Polymer degradation in micron-to-nano-sized confinements
Polymer degradation in micron-to-nano-sized confinements
Polymer degradation in micron-to-nano-sized confinements
Controlling the degradation, including biodegradation, of polymers is an important characteristic of polymers that is relevant to their sustainable use. Particularly at the macro- and nanometre scale, degradation, as a phenomenon, is little understood.
Hypothesis: polymer degradation at macro- and nanometre scale interfaces may proceed differently from the macro-scale interfaces.
Research questions:
- What is the role of interfacial adhesion in influencing degradation at the interface?
- How do chemical reactions or diffusion processes at the interface impact degradation?
- What role do additives (lignin?) play in modifying interfacial degradation?
- What is the spatial distribution of degradation at the interface, and how does it propagate through the material?
- How does interfacial degradation can be used to (de)accelerate the bulk degradation?
The primary research and analysis tool for this project will be the Atomic Force Microscope.
Contact info:
(Daily) Supervisor:
Hubert Gojzewski, h.gojzewski@utwente.nl